An Intelligent Vocational Storytelling Virtual Reality System for Augmenting Work Performance
Learning thrives on storytelling, visualization, and immersive experiences. Virtual Reality (VR) enhances these cognitive processes, transforming vocational training through dynamic, interactive environments. My research lies at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), artificial intelligence (AI), and immersive technologies, focusing on adaptive learning systems that optimize work performance and memory retention.
In this talk, I will present two key projects: OGMA, a VR-based language learning system that significantly improved memory retention, and VISTAS (Vocational Immersive Storytelling Training and Support Framework), which integrates Augmented Reality (AR) and reinforcement learning to personalize skill training. A core aspect of my approach is Storyfication, a narrative-driven framework that gamifies skill acquisition. Additionally, I will share insights from industry collaborations, including my role at Edstutia, a VR startup revolutionizing professional training.
This event also marks the launch of RED Lab – Reality Experience Design Lab, where we will explore VR’s impact on human consciousness, learning, and performance. Our research will investigate how immersive experiences enhance engagement, memory, and skill acquisition, collaborating across psychology, kinesiology, theatre, cinema, arts, communication, and business to push the boundaries of interdisciplinary research.
Join me as we discuss the evolution of VR/AR technology, its real-world applications, design challenges, and future opportunities—bridging the gap between human cognition and immersive storytelling to shape the future of work and education.
Speaker Biography
Hey there! I’m Sanika Doolani—Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at SFSU, researcher, designer, and all-around tech enthusiast who believes that creativity, growth, and integrity make the world go round.
My journey started in Mumbai, took a deep dive into Computer Science (Ph.D. from UTA, with a few shiny awards along the way), and landed me in the world of HCI, XR, AI, gamification, and storytelling—basically, making tech more fun, engaging, and impactful. Before jumping into academia, I was a Product UX Designer at Salesforce and later Head of Product at Edstutia, a VR training startup. Oh, and I had a dream-come-true moment at The Walt Disney Company, where I worked on the Toy Story 4 AR app!
Now, I’m beyond excited to lead interdisciplinary research in HCI using XR technologies at RED Lab – Reality Experience Design Lab (Thornton Hall 218). Our mission? Exploring how VR/AR can improve human performance, learning, and training—essentially using immersive tech to help people learn smarter, faster, and better.
I’m also a relentless self-learner, constantly diving into new fields (architecture, fashion, theatre, investigative journalism—why not?). My biggest tool? Empathy—a skill I even sharpened from an FBI hostage negotiator! Most importantly, I’m passionate about advocating for women and minorities in tech—because we need more diverse voices shaping the future of technology. Let’s shake things up together!
RED Lab: Reality Experience Design lab