Sequence of Study

Process to receive a permit for CSC 897/899:

  1. Work with your mentor to fill out the CSC899 form ( to an external site.)   (Note: CSC 897 use the same form for CSC 899.)
  2. Obtain signatures from your mentor and the Department Chair. 
  3. Ask your mentor to issue you a permit for their CSC 897 or CSC 899.  Make sure you enroll in this course for 3 units.
  4. Upload your signed 897/899 form.
  5. Enroll in CSC 897/899 using the above permit.

By this time, you are expected to have identified

  • The direction of your Master's thesis/project.
  • A faculty mentor to supervise your Master's thesis/project.  

The process to prepare and submit the ATC (Advancement To Candidacy) form to SFSU

When to submit the ATC form?

If you are currently enrolled in CSC 897/899 and plan to enroll in CSC 895/898 next semester, you are required to submit your ATC (Advance To Candidacy) and PCE (Proposal for Culminating Experience) forms by the following deadline (see Continuing Student Deadlines | Division of Graduate StudiesLinks to an external site.):  

  • Spring enrollment of CSC895/898: by November 1
  • Fall enrollment of  CSC895/898:  by April 1       

You shouldn’t wait until or near the deadline to submit these forms. For example, you can submit your ATC forms shortly after you are enrolled in CSC 897/899.   

ATC form submission: 

  1. Download the ATC form at the bottom part of the following page:  
    Advancement To Candidacy (ATC) | Division of Graduate StudiesLinks to an external site.
  2. Fill out the ATC form
    B- is the minimum acceptable grade for any course listed on the ATC form. 
    - The cumulative GPA of all the courses included on your ATC form is required to be >=3.0.
    - Include 5 or fewer paired courses at the 700-800 level.
    - As you fill out this form, make sure the font size is properly adjusted so NOT to hide information such as a course's title or a semester.
    - For CSC 890 courses, make sure you include the specific topic, e.g., Quantum Computing.
  3. Ask your primary advisor to review your ATC form by scheduling an advising appointment or by email.  You can look up your primary advisor by logging into
  4. Submit your reviewed (and subsequently revised) ATC form to the Graduate Division by following the steps listed at  Advancement To Candidacy (ATC) | Division of Graduate StudiesLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.
    • List  your primary advisor as the graduate advisor
    • List a different graduate advisor as the graduate coordinator. (Important: use this advisor's SFSU email, not
  5. After you have received all the signatures of approval from the above grad advisors and the Graduate Division, download the form from DocuSign with the signature page and then upload it here to the CS Dept.



The process to prepare and submit your PCE (Proposal for Culminating Experience) form to SFSU

When to submit this PCE form?

If you are currently enrolled in CSC 897/899 and plan to enroll in CSC 895/898 next semester, you are required to submit your ATC (Advance To Candidacy) and PCE (Proposal for Culminating Experience) forms by the following deadline (see Continuing Student Deadlines | Division of Graduate StudiesLinks to an external site.):  

  • Spring enrollment of CSC895/898: by November 1
  • Fall enrollment of  CSC895/898:  by April 1        

You shouldn’t wait until or near the deadline to submit these forms. For example, you can start to prepare your PCE form as soon as you and your CSC 897/899 have identified the project/research problem you will be working on.   

PCE form submission:

  1. Work with your CSC 897/899 mentor to address the following items in advance:
      • CSC895 or CSC898? please consult with your CSC 897/899 mentor.
      • Which form should I use?
      • Who will be on my committee? Please work with your CSC897/899 mentor to form your committee.
        • CSC895: a minimum of 2 committee members, that is, your mentor (committee Chair) and one another faculty member
        • CSC898: a minimum of 3 committee members, that is, your mentor (committee Chair) and two other faculty members
  1. Submit your PCE form for approval by following the procedure included on the website below.   Important: When asked to type in the Department Chair or Graduate Coordinator, please fill in your primary graduate advisor's information. You can log into to find out who is your primary graduate advisor.
  2. After you have received all the signatures from your committee members, the department Chair and the Graduate Division, download your PCE form from DocuSign with the corresponding page of signatures.
  3.  Upload your approved PCE form with the signature page to the CS department by clicking here.

Complete and submit your long proposal

You are required to complete this important and critical document before enrolling in CSC 895/898. This document serves as an official "contract" between you and your CSC 895/898 committee in regard to the objectives, scope, and deliverables of your Master's thesis project. See 7. Culminating Experience Project ProposalLinks to an external site. at to an external site.   

  • Typical sections of this proposal include: (1) motivation, (2) problem description, (3) method of solving the problem, (4) relevant work of others, (5) milestones, (6) deliverables and (7) an approximate timetable (for more details talk with your thesis/project mentor).

  • Work with your CSC 895/898 mentor and other committee members to finish this document before enrolling in CSC 895/898.
  • Once approved by your committee, submit your proposal in PDF to the CS Department

Enrollment criteria for CSC 895/898

  1. Successful completion of CSC899/897 under your CSC895/898 mentor. 
  2. Successfully completed at least 10 graduate seminars. A seminar is marked as "successfully completed" when you receive a satisfactory score for the corresponding written summary.
  3. GPA:  >= 3.0
  4. completed ATC form:  
    • This form has been signed by CS graduate advisors and and Graduate Studies
    • A copy of the approved form has been submitted to the dept.      
  5. completed PCE form
    • This form has been signed by your thesis committee and Graduate Studies
    • A copy of the approved PCE form has been submitted to the dept.  
    • If Human or Animal Subjects Protocols are required, these must also be approved by the SFSU IRB (internal review board).
  6. Project/thesis proposal has been approved by your CSC895/898 committee and subsequently submitted to the CS Dept.


Process to receive a permit for CSC 895/898.

1. Have fulfilled all the enrollment criteria

2.  Remind your CSC 895/898 mentor to inform the department that you are going to enroll in CSC 895/898 before a semester starts.

3. The CS Department will issue you a permit to enroll in CSC 895/898 after having verified the completion status of all the above enrollment criteria.

4. Enroll in your mentor's CSC 895/898 using the above permit.

Before your oral defense: important steps

  1. Obtain your CSC895/898 mentor’s approval to graduate, ideally, during the first half of the semester. 
  2. Update and inform your other committee members of your progress and intention to graduate
  3. Apply to graduate at Apply to graduateLinks to an external site..
  4. Work with your CSC895/898 mentor to produce a satisfying written report/thesis
  5. After having obtained your CSC895/898 mentor’s permission, share your written thesis/report with other committee members to seek their comments and suggestions. 
  6. Schedule your oral defense, which can only be scheduled with the consensus of your entire CSC895/898 committee. 
    • Typically, you will give your committee members around 10 work days to review your written report/thesis. 
    • Don’t schedule your oral defense on the last day of graduation listed at to an external site. You should leave at least 5 days before the graduation deadline so that you have plenty of time to address the committee’s suggestions raised during your oral defense. 
  7. Notify the department of your defense: fill out this Google Form: to an external site.;  then email that your oral defense date has been scheduled and you have filled out the above form.
  8. Address the questions/comments/suggestions from all your committee members regarding your written project report/thesis. 
  9. Defend your CSC895/898 project. Here are the possible outcomes:
    • Successful oral defense with no further suggestions required for your written report/thesis.
    • Successful oral defense with more suggestions required to be addressed in your written report/thesis.
    • Failed oral defense. Your committee will identify the specific areas of improvement. 


After your oral defense: written report/thesis and approval from the Dept and Grad Div

  1. After having successfully completed the oral defense:

    • If applicable, revise your written report/thesis accordingly. 
    • Obtain a final approval from your CSC895/898 committee of your revised written report. This revision process may take multiple iterations. 
  2. Your committee will need to sign the Report of Completion form and/or Certification of Approval form. Use the following links to access and route the forms to your committee:

  3. Submit your final approved report/thesis:

    4. After the department has received a copy of your approved thesis/report, the CS Dept Office will sign your Report of Completion form and route it to the Grad Div for the final approval.