Professional Decision Support Systems Based on Graded Logic

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Event Time 04:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m. PT
Location SEC 210
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The primary motivation for this presentation is to find graduate students interested in AI research and to inform them about topics offered in CSC 876 Soft Computing and Decision Support Systems. Decision making is a human mental activity, and the development of professional decision support systems is based on observing, measuring, modeling, and explaining human commonsense logical reasoning. This presentation will include a condensed survey of Graded Logic, and the LSP decision method.

The purpose of our decision support systems are professional applications. We will present a survey of various LSP applications and show the solution of three medical decision problems: (1) Evaluation of disease severity and patient disability, (2) The COVID vaccination priority problem, and (3) The liver transplantation priority problem. We will also show a demo of LSP suitability maps. Students who enroll in CSC 876 will have opportunities to work on similar problems, both as class projects, and as possible topics for the culminating experience.

Speaker Biography

Jozo Dujmović received the Dipl. Ing. degree in electronic and telecommunication engineering, and the M.Sc. and Sc.D. degrees in computer engineering, all from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Since 1994 he has been Professor of Computer Science at San Francisco State University, where he served as Chair of Computer Science Department from 1998 to 2002.
His primary research interest is in logic foundations of soft computing and in decision support systems. He is the author of more than 190 refereed publications, a Life Senior Member of IEEE, and the recipient of NAFIPS, CMG, Informatica, and ETAN best paper awards. His most recent book Soft Computing Evaluation Logic was published by Wiley and IEEE Press in 2018.
Based on his LSP method, in 1997, he founded System Evaluation & Selection (SEAS), a San Francisco-based company specializing in soft computing decision methods and their software support ( ). He currently serves as a Principal with SEAS.

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