Stanford Cybersecurity: CERT, Clinics, and Competitions

Wednesday, April 09, 2025
Event Time 02:00 p.m. - 03:00 p.m. PT
Location SEC 210
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This talk will provide an overview of cybersecurity activities at Stanford, including the Stanford CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), Stanford Security Clinic (providing pro bono digital security and safety consultations for the Stanford community), Stanford Bug Bounty program, and our Applied Cyber Collegiate Competition Team.

Speaker Biography

Alex Keller worked as a systems administrator at San Francisco State University for 15 years before moving to Stanford‘s School of Engineering in 2012 where he now serves as a Sr. Systems Security Engineer with responsibilities for security, research technical support, datacenter operations, networking, storage, and virtualization. Advisor to the Stanford Applied Cybersecurity student group and team coach since 2015, Alex is tirelessly passionate about cybersecurity education and outreach.

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