Ilmi Yoon

Ilmi Yoon

Transfer Advisor
Phone: (415) 338-2335
Location: Thornton Hall 910


  • Machine Learning

  • Internet Application

  • 3D Graphics

  • Combinatorial Applications blending the areas listed above

  • "YouDescribeX - Machine Learning enhanced Video Accessibility", Ability Central, 2020-2024, $500,000, (PI: Ilmi Yoon, co-PI : Shasta Ihorn)

  • “CS4NorthCal: Scaling an Evidence-based Model for Teacher Preparation and Support to Provide Equitable and Inclusive CS Education in California High Schools”, NSF 2219495 (PI: Hao Yue, co-PI: Ilmi Yoon, Larry Horvath, Jingyi Wang, Yue-Ting Siu) $1,994K 10/01/2022-09/30/2026

  • “BPC-A: Socially Responsible Computing: Promoting Latinx student retention via communityengagement in early CS courses” NSF 2216575 (PI: Ilmi Yoon, co-PI: Anagha Kulkarni, Aakash Gautam) $293K, 10/1/2022-9/30/2025
  • Center of Inclusive Computing, Northeastern ( (PI: Ilmi Yoon, co-PI: Arno Puder (CS Dept. Chair), Duc Ta, Jingyi Wang, Aakash Gautam, and co-PI Shasta Ihorn) $750K (6/1/2022-5/31/2024)

  • “Building the Diverse, Multidisciplinary Computer Science Workforce of the Future with Promoting Inclusivity in Computing (PINC) 2.0”, National Science Foundation, $1.3M, 10/2018-9/2024 (PI: Ilmi Yoon, Co-PI: Anagha Kulkarni, Pleuni Pennings)

  • L. D. Narins, A. Scott, A. Gautam, A. Kulkarni, M. Castanon, B. Kao, S. Ihorn, Y. T. Siu, J. M. Mason, A. M. Blum, I. Yoon, “Validated Image description Rating Dataset,” presented at the NeurlIPS, Neural Informations Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2023. [Online]. Available:

  • A. Stangl, S. Ihorn, Y. T. Siu, A. Bodi, M. Castanon, L. Narines, I. Yoon, “The potential of a visual dialogue agent in a tandem automated audio description system for videos,” in ASSETS, New York, NY, 2023. [Online]. Available:

  • Ihorn, S., Kulkarni, A., & Yoon, I. (2023). Sustaining and expanding student training and support efforts beyond the NSF support period. In ASEE: American Society for Engineering Education, July 25-28, 2023, Baltimore, MD.

  • Gautam, A., Ihorn, S., Yoon, I., & Kulkarni, A. Foundational strategies to support students with diverse backgrounds and interests in early programming. In ASEE: American Society for Engineering Education, July 25-28, 2023, Baltimore, MD.

  • Scott, A., Narins, L., Kulkarni, A., Castanon, J., Kao, B., Ihorn, S., Siu, Y. & Yoon, I. (2023). Improved Image Caption Rating - Datasets, Game, and Model. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23), April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA.