William Hsu
Email: whsu@sfsu.edu
- Computer Music
- High-Performance Computing
- Interactive Audiovisual Systems
- TechSF Workforce Development Grant (2012-2015), $299,980 (funded by Dept of Labor; co-PI Hamid Mahmoodi)
- Microsoft gift $24,000 for Workshop on Civic Technologies and Smart Cities, June 2015 (co-PIs: Hamid Mahmoodi and Sameer Verma)
- GE Predix Challenge grant $10,000, Fall 2015
- William Hsu, "Designing Interactive Audiovisual Systems for Improvising Ensembles," Proceedings of International Conference on Live Interfaces, June 2016, Brighton, UK.
- Paula Levine, William Hsu and Lee Periolat, “City to City: Revealing Place to Place,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Electronic Art, August 2015, Vancouver Canada
- William Hsu and Marc Sosnick-Perez*, "Finite Difference-based Sound Synthesis using GPUs," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 56 No. 6, June 2013
- William Hsu, "Strategies for Managing Timbre and Interaction in Automatic Improvisation Systems," Leonardo Music Journal, 2010